Portable Wet Sand Blasting Machine Dustless Water Sand Blasters
1. Product Description The Dustfree Blasting Machine is mainly for kinds of metal surface treatment. It's already widely used in automotive, heavy equipment, marine, refinery, fleet vehicles, powder coating, wood restoration, offshore and asbestos abatement these areas, to be exact, such as, polishing, rust removal and old coatings of steel profiles, steel pipes, shipyards repair, surface rust and oxide skin of forging, welding parts and heat treatment parts.
Abrasives blasting medias in the tank (crushed glass, crystal, plastic, garnet, etc ) spray on work pieces surface at high speeds through sand blasting hoses under the action of compressed air, impacts and grinds metal surface to remove impurities, which makes work pieces has certain roughness to enlarge working facial area, eliminate stressconcentration, and increase fatigue resistance of mechanical products and metal parts. It also greatly improves work pieces speciousness, coating layer adhesion, quality and corrosion resistance. 2. Technical Specifications 3. Applications 4. Shipment & Custom Colors